Thai Recipe Ingredients
* 1 cup eggplant, cut into bite-sized pieces
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 2 tablespoons fish sauce
* 1/2 cup water (or chicken stock)
* 1 1/2 tablespoons vegetable cooking oil
* 3 tablespoons red curry paste
Thai Food Preparations
1. Heat oil in a wok over medium heat and add the red curry paste, stir well. Then add 3/4 cups coconut milk and stir until mixed thoroughly.
2. Add the roasted duck and stir often. Then pour the mixture into a pot, add the remaining coconut milk, water, tomatoes, pineapples, eggplants, kaffir lime leaves, sugar, salt, and fish sauce.
3. Continue stirring until boiling and remove from heat. Transfer to a serving bowl.
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